Some of the perks of the job are getting to see some very cool places (outside of London, which is amazing all to itself). My first time in Asia was at the end of March with 3 work days and a weekend spent in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia:
The one downside was that I only had a few options for direct flights to KL and the only good one from London was Malaysia Air, less than 2 weeks after they lost a plane. Good news was that the plane was huge - A380, double decker. I've never been in one, and that was a neat experience. Flight was very calm - no indication that anything had happened. However, it was eery and definitely in the back of mind the whole time. The bad news about flying Asia is that both flights are overnight - you take off around 10PM or midnight each direction and land either 7PM or 7AM (coming back). That means two sleeping flights, both of which I flunked. Must keep studying for those.
We stayed at the Hilton, right next to KL Sentral station. The train from the airport was very quick and we were in bed by 8 (well, in theory - I worked until 11).

View from hotel (unexpectedly upgraded!)
The next morning, free breakfast at the Hilton, which had some amazing fruit that I have not googled yet. It was soo good.

In general, the food in KL was amazing. I had Indian, Sri Lankan, Chinese, Malay, Thai and probably 2 other unidentifiable cuisines that make me hungry just thinking about it. I would get FAT living there (but die a happy person).
After work the first evening, it was off to the Twin Towers (Petronas) for some touristy moments:
Studying the power of NOCs - shout out to H for taking an amazing picture.
The towers are best seen at night - I saw them on the weekend during the day and whilst impressive, I thought the pure waste of electricity at night was even better. They had a documentary on the plane about how much electricity these bad boys use each night - unreal.
H told me to act silly for this picture. That's about as silly as I get.
The bridge is open for walking across but one has to get up very early and have an advanced ticket. I didn't do either. But something about being up that high on a suspended bridge did not sound appealing to me.
The towers with funny settings.
Me and my new traveling buddy - S. Best work travel colleague yet!
Lights outside of the towers
S convinced me to try this Indian delight, which is about 1.5 feet long and filled with potatoe and curry. It's like a pancake, but made of rice I think. S also convinced me to eat it with my hands. H (the local) then ate his with a knife and fork. I felt authentic, if not sticky when it was over. Very good and all from a food court!
After dinner, it was a very unexpected night on the town (on a Wednesday). At 1AM, the streets were packed with people. I've never seen anything like it and was wholly unexpected given I was under the impression that Malaysia is super conservative. I found the part that wasn't and we had a great time. Work the next day was interesting....although, much better than I would have been about 12 months ago. I've built up some strength.
Part 2 coming...