Thursday, September 6, 2012

Day 1-2 Recap

Summary List of the First 2 days in Holland:

1.  Flight was good - didn't sleep, but that's normal.  Transport to temp housing successful.
2.  Temp housing is incredible - going to inquire about renting here for 2 years.  View of skyline from apartment is jaw dropping.
3.  Success on day 1:  Grocery store found, passport photos taken, hair dryer bought, dry cleaner found.  Discovered the joys of Albert Heijin for groceries and Blokker for appliances.
4.  Fail on day 1:  Dry cleaning was super expensive.   24 Euros for three pairs of pants - cried on the inside about that one.  WIll need to find alternative shop.
5.  Success on day 2:  Wandered the Hague all day without getting lost - which included time without GPS on phone (old fashioned map, baby!).  Viewed an apartment I really like- but keeping options open for now.  Found 2nd grocery store (yea Albert Heijin!).  Also found quilt shop way too close to work (both success and fail on that one).  Found great bakery with desserts (also a success/fail - doesn't fit into European diet).
6.  Fail on day 2:  Walked a TON - haven't figured out mass transit yet.  I understand train, but not tram or bus.  Day 3's problem.  No sight seeing yet, but we saw where all the sights are to go see.  Struggled to get appointments to view apartments I like.  Sent 12 emails and had 3 responses.  That's not my fail - can't believe people list apartments they don't want to rent.
7.  My parents have been extremely helpful.  My dad has an eagle eye for examining apartments -  asks questions I wouldn't think to ask.  I couldn't have done everything so quickly the last few days without them.

Looking forward:  2 appointments at different apartments on Friday.  Thinking about hitting Amsterdam/Delft this weekend.  Work starts Monday, which I'm actually glad about.  Looking forward to getting Dutch colleague opinions on where to live and becoming a resident on Tuesday after meeting with immigration.  All in all, not too bad for a first move overseas.  

No pictures yet, but working on that.

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