Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Normal life in the Netherlands

So normal life is starting to become more clear.  I'll admit that the first 7 weeks were one long roller coaster ride...the best ride I've ever been on.  I've lived more in the last 2 months than probably the last 7 years combined (minus the 3 weeks to Kenya).  I've experienced things I've only dreamed about and read about in travel books.  I'm living that dream.  This past week, I felt normal life was really coming around.  My apartment is mostly set up - minus pictures on the wall and a few pieces of furniture, it's mostly there.  I love normal life here.  It's relaxing, reflective, peaceful and spontaneous.  I never thought I would ever be spontaneous, but I'm quickly learning how to do it here.  Here's the last week or so update:

1.  Last week was full of work.  I almost experienced my first real transportation accident.  I left work late one night and it was cold...as is becoming the norm here.  I had on a jacket with a hood trying to keep my ears from falling off in the wind.  The Hague has bike paths everywhere...they run right next to the side walks.  Here is the order of right of way in the Netherlands by transportation mode:  1.  Tram/Train.  They stop for nothing.  2.  Buses.  Generally only stop for trams.  3.  Bikes.  Only stop for trams or trains.  4.  Cars.  Stops for everything else on the list, except the last.  5.  Pedestrians.  Very clearly the bottom of the list.  No signs to indicate as such, just an implied fact.  So as I was leaving work, I came to the end of the side walk to cross the street.  I stepped into the bike path just in front of a biker (stupid hood!  didn't think to look.).  Luckily he had a split second to stop and just missed me. He cursed at me in Dutch (which is essentially English - words don't translate).  I apologized with Sorry...which luckily is the same in Dutch/English...but he could clearly tell after I spoke I wasn't Dutch and then I think he felt embarrassed for cursing at me.  He just smiled and kept riding.  So I've avoided getting hit with any form of transportation to date, knock on wood, streak continues.  I also have not fallen once (knock on wood again).  That's a huge deal.  I'm sure that won't last, but I think I've been much better about slowing down my life style and taking my time to get places.  I'd like to think that's really increased my ability of staying on my feet and not just that I've been lucky.

2.  On Friday, I did a bit of shopping and found a rug for the apartment, which I'm excited about.  I also found 2 chairs for reading - great adds that will look good even when I move back to the states.  My buffet table/dresser thingy was delivered as well and it looks great.  So happy with it.

3.  My rug was supposed to be delivered on Saturday between 11-5PM, so I went out early to grab lunch fixings and settle in for the day, because you know that if they give a time frame, it will always be the latest.  I got some mini pancakes, which you can heat in the oven.  They are just the same as the other Dutch pancakes I described in an earlier post but so much better because they are about the size of a silver dollar.  SOO good.  And I just dated myself by referencing a silver dollar.  Anyways, I really should do a separate Dutch food post.  I've found some more interesting foods.  Saving that for another post.

4.  Rug came as expected at 4.  I decided it was too late at that point to go to Amsterdam or somewhere else, so I got on the tram and headed to the center to find new places to window shop.  As I got out of the tram, I noticed that Skyfall was playing at the local theater and it only had subtitles in Dutch (i.e. it wasn't dubbed).  I thought there were 2 added benefits to seeing the new 007 flick:  1.  I need to figure out how to see movies here because I'm not sure I can wait to get back to the US to see the next Hunger Games.  2.  I'm going to London next weekend, so it was research.  Yes I'm that nerdy.  I used a Bond film to research London.

5.  The movie was great.  I don't know when it comes out in the US, but I would definitely recommend it.  I didn't see the previous 2 Daniel Craig films, mostly because I'm a Pierce Brosnan fan and hated the idea of trying to get attached to a new Bond.  But I found him very enjoyable, the plot was well done (predictable, but well done) and the shots of London were great.  Bonus, Daniel Craig was super hot.  Going to see the movie was relatively easy.  I bought a ticket at the kiosk in the lobby.  They have assigned seats for movies and it was a pretty popular showing.  When the seat selection came up, it said I had seat 1, row 3, which I thought meant very front of the theater.  I couldn't figure out how to change the seat, so I just went with it thinking at the very least, it will be a warm and I can enjoy just being out.  Turned out my seat was 3rd row from the back, so it was perfect.  I had pancakes at Will's pancake house while waiting for the movie.  I know, 2 pancake meals in one day....man does not live on pancakes alone.

6.  On Sunday, I decided to go to Amsterdam to use my Museumkaart.  I took the train again, only because I love the idea of relaxing on the journey to a new place and ending up in the center of town, rather than driving, finding parking and then tramming it in from there.

7.  Amsterdam was pretty when I arrived.  I jumped on Tram 9, which heads in a different direction than I had been before.  I love that about public transport...I do that in the Hague too now.  I jump on trams I haven't been on just to see where they go and figure out if there's something else I want to see at some point.  Anyways, on Tram 9, I saw a lot of places I want to go wander through when I go back next.  I believe it took me past Dam Square, which was pretty packed with people and things to do.  Definitely want to go there.  Anyways, I was on a mission.  My goal was to do 2 museums in one day, which for me is tough...I never can regulate how much I read at a museum.  I can literally spend a day in the same museum, particularly a WWII museum.  I've done all day museum binges at several in Washington DC before....I just get lost in it.  I thought it would be tough for me to do 2, but I really wanted to get them both in.  No idea why I decided to be so motivated, but I was.

8.  First stop was the Dutch Resistance Museum.  I loved this museum.  I allocated 2.5 hours to this museum and ended up spending 4, giving myself only 2 hours at the second.  Rick Steves gives it 2 pyramids...for me, I would give it 3, but I'm really into WWII history, particularly the German front.  It does an excellent job of describing what 2 generations prior to me in the Netherlands struggled with - whether to support what everyone knew to be a morally corrupt regime that only came to power through hostile means or to actively protest and violently act against the regime.  The efforts by those who protested were futile for years - many Dutchmen were killed for their efforts to break the occupation.  However, the museum also doesn't shy away from the fact that so many didn't protest and didn't try to help when 100,000 Jews were rounded up and subsequently killed.  This isn't unique to the Netherlands...it happened across Europe.  I've read a number of books lately that examine the perspectives of ordinary citizens who watched the murders happened.  It really makes you think about what you would do.  I would hope that I would be numbered amoung the few that stood up for what was right, but how can you ever be sure.  Even today, don't we all sit and watch genocide on our TV in Syria, Darfur, Mali, etc?  I'm guilty....I don't contribute to organizations promoting social justice or write my congressman regarding injustice in those countries.  Isn't it the same?  God have mercy on us...so much evidence of a need for a Savior.

9.  Anyways, I could have spent another 2 hours in there....I flew right through the Pacific war section, which focused on Indonesia.  I really wanted to read more about that....Uncle Erwin was in the Philippines, so I thought it would be interesting to read more about the Dutch perspective on the Japanese front, but time did not permit.  Next time. 

10.  Brief interlude...In a given week, I leave my house or work on average 16 times.  I would say of those 16 times I am outside, I get rained on at least 12 of those.  I am constantly wet.  2 umbrellas have already been KIA (killed in action).  I only have one left and thankfully it's my A&M umbrella....I'm a little scared to use it because I really don't want it to get broken.  It's already blown out once....I'm concerned it's not going to make it to Christmas.  It's almost tropical here, without the tropical temps.

11.  After the Resistance museum, I headed to the Tropical Museum in the pouring rain (ironic, I know).  This museum is like one big World Geography class.  It details the history of Dutch colonialism across the globe, but it mostly focuses on current day of those countries, plus artifacts from each of the countries.  It was incredible - I really enjoyed it.  They have a whole floor on Africa, inclusive of music, masks and jewelry from different parts of the continent.  I loved the music parts....got me feeling like I was back in Kenya.  I also learned a lot more about W. Africa, including Senegal, which I'm quite intrigued about now.  I also had to remember I was not a kid, as I saw the kid area had lessons going in African dance.  I really wanted to do that...but thought better of it.  I will be going back there...RS gave it 1 pyramid, I would give it 2 and spend more time.

12.  I also ate at the museum....I'm finding that museum cafes are pretty good and convenient.  This one served tropical type food, which meant I had a roll and a quinoa salad with cranberries.  Looked like something I have gotten at Central Market, but tasted better.  I also got an Indonesian beer to spice it up.

13.  After that, I headed back to Amsterdam.  I found a flower shop on the way back and got this week's flowers...red roses with some greenery and pink flowers mixed in.  They are gorgeous...I love fresh flowers.  When I get back to Houston in 2 years, I've made a resolution to have more flowers in my house more often.  It really picks up the mood and I don't need to wait for Johnny Angel to enjoy them.  I'm worth it.

Up next:  LONDON this weekend!  I'm so excited.  Here's my schedule:
Friday night - fly to London (Heathrow); staying at Hilton on Hyde Park
Saturday:  Morning:  St Paul's cathedral is free in the morning, so going to be there at 8:30 when they open.  After that, I'm going to Picadilly Circus to shop...I have Christmas I need to get accomplished and I know exactly where I'm going.  I also thought about adding in Portobello Road.  Hopefully I can get there too.  Afternoon:  I have a ticket to "One Man, Two Guvnors" which is a West End play, British slapstick.  Got rave reviews, very excited about that.  After the play, I'll grab a quick dinner on West End and that night I have a ticket to see Billy Elliot!!!!!!  I've seen it before in Houston, but WEST END Billy Elliot.  Words cannot describe how much I'm looking forward to Saturday.
Sunday:  A 2 museum day:  National Gallery (has Van Gogh's Sunflowers, plus countless others) and Churchill's War Rooms or the British Museum.  At 5:45, I'm going to head to Westminister Abbey for a free organ concert.  Sight seeing along the way.
Monday-Tuesday:  Work

I'm trying to not see too much because I really want to see the good stuff (Buckingham, Tower of London, Crown Jewels, anything Royal) with my mom.  We've talked about it for years...would hate to not see it with her.  I'm also debating on Churchill's War Rooms because I really want to see that with my dad.  If push comes to shove, I know where to go look for 1/2 price theater tickets...I could go see another matinee on Sunday.  I wouldn't be opposed to that...in fact just thinking about it makes me want to check the tickets again.

Ok.  Post was too long.  Thanks for sticking to the end!

1 comment:

  1. The War Rooms are AMAZING to visit!!! You wont regret going BACK with your Dad, might have been my favorite museum-y bit of London. Unless your parents have a trip planned soon, I would definitely go on this trip. Just saying.

    Lauren (Lokcard)
