So, first things first. I took a very quick trip to London mid march, highlight of which was flying with a BA gold guy and getting lounge access at heathrow. That's flying in style
The following week, it was back to London. I love walking into the office now. The tube I would normally take is shut, so I get to walk past Trafalgar Square in the morning, which just makes me smile.
That evening, it was off for drinks with the team at the local and J came out too, which made it perfect!
The next morning, it was an early morning train with the guys from the team for Newcastle:

The best part of the trip was the football match Newcastle v Crystal Palace. Not a great match up or game, but a lot to take in and enjoy!
Stadium was huge - seats 60,000 I would guess. The away fans were the loudest - they were all secluded in a corner of the stadium but their songs were really loud. No home fan songs, which was disappointing. Newcastle won in stoppage time 1-0. Stadium didn't get loud until the 94th minute!
Amazing seats. For my first epl game, not a bad way to do it!
Stadium shot
So after the match, it was a quick hop through some bars and then cleaning up for dinner. I wore heels for the second time in my life - glad I did, but still stuck out like sore thumb. Newcastle is party city - whilst I've improved my party skills, I hope I never get that good. Dinner was amazing though- pub from the 1200s that was an old monastery. I felt like we were royalty sitting at these long tables with dim lights. All that was missing was the jousting. Jesters were definitely present and accounted for.
The other thing funny about picture above is Una, who is our team audit puppy. To spice up busy season, the firm gave teams a puppy to take pictures of whilst working or having fun. She is definitely been the world traveler!
The next morning, it was wandering through the markets along the river Tyne. Beautiful city despite the craziness of the night life!
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