This move has been in the works for a long time, in fact I know that my acquaintances / friends here and in the UK are tired of hearing me talk about it. It has not been smooth, in fact, I still do not have a flight booked. I'm headed to the UK biometrics office in Amsterdam on Monday to get finger printed and photographed for my long needed visa, which I should have on Friday, in time to move my stuff out on Monday (both to the UK and US) and book a flight for Tuesday night (fingers crossed). There are a lot of things that need to go perfectly over the next 8 days, so I'm highly doubtful, but this is happening folks. Holding onto my hat has commenced.
Following Edinburgh, I flew the next morning to London to look at different areas to live. I've decided on Putney as my number one choice (even picked a road I think I want to live on) and West Hampstead as the back up. I'm planning to live in a traditional house - I want the full experience. I'm most likely going to do a short term - 6 months or so and then decide where I actually want to live and if a housemate would be a better call. I'm not going to be around very much, so getting a place to myself seems like a waste, but I'll cross that bridge when I get there. For now, I just need to make a decision so I feel like I have some control, while everything feels so out of control.
Sample shots of the area:

I love Holland, I always will. It was time to make another life decision and I'm really excited about the opportunities London presents (personally and professionally). Two years in a familiar role with familiar people means this move isn't nearly as scary as the last one. I'm still terrified though for a few reasons:
1. I'm moving to a huge city that makes Houston look like a village. I'm going to get lost a lot and I don't know what the rough areas of town are to not get lost in. I don't have that issue in the Hague.
2. I know people, but they are all work people. I need to spread my wings, which I have been pretty unsuccessful at doing so far in the Hague - will I do it any better there? Time will tell. Work people are definitely not going to want to hang out all the time (or possibly anytime) so I will need to get out there immediately and establish myself quickly. Shudder.
3. I'm going to be travelling a lot for work. What if I can't physically keep up? I'm pretty sure I can, but it's nagging me.
4. I'm just straight up scared of moving again. It was all new last time and didn't know when I was going to get frustrated or sad and as a result, it lessened the blow. This time, I know what to expect...which is worse I think.
Holland has been the perfect place to get a feel for living overseas. London will be a hyped up version of that...I'm pretty sure I'm ready, but I'm also really scared. Hopefully the next 8 days will put some of those fears to rest.
It's also a good time to celebrate all that's been accomplished over the last 2 years...
I can't believe it's been 2 years since my move (Labor Day 2012). My how times have changed. If anyone needs proof that time really does fly when you are having fun, you need look no further than my last 2 years. I'm 15 pounds lighter, have travelled to more countries than I ever thought I'd see in a lifetime (21!), been blessed along the way by some incredible friends, lost my love of driving, found my love of biking, made goals and met them, reaffirmed myself in my job (I can do this!), and learned a lot about myself, life and sports. I've lost the ability to spell American (autocorrect in google is changing all my s's to z's). I've been subject to a lot of American ridicule, survived and still feel proud to be an American (even if still naïve). I love my life here and couldn't think of a better way to extend it than to head a bit further west, one hour closer to home.
I'm excited about meeting the London Aggies group and connecting with some Texans again. I'm excited about more travel to come. I'm excited about a Lutheran church a tube ride away. I'm excited about all the BA and Hilton points I'm going to pull down over the next 2 years. But mostly, I'm ready for the next change in life that means new challenges and new goals to reach. Life without a goal doesn't work for me and this provides a whole new host of them....just need someone to tell me I can't do it and then I will really be motivated.
On the travel schedule for the 2 years:
Booked - Munich - Oktoberfest with B and M!
Booked - M & D are coming at the end of September for 2 weeks - excited to see them!
Booked - Berlin - conference in November
Nothing else is booked beyond that, but here is the wish list. It's a long list and I'm actively looking for travel buddies for next May (or other times, but specifically next May if you can spare 2 weeks).
UK travel - Lake district, Oxford, Cambridge, Windsor, Yorkshire, Glasgow, Belfast (all weekend trips)
Ireland - Dublin, Cork, countryside (mostly weekend trips)
Greece - Athens weekend trip or Rick Steves 2 weeks in Greece (first 2 weeks of May)
Turkey - Debating 2 weeks in Turkey versus Rick Steves 2 weeks in Greece (first 2 weeks of May)
Switzerland train trip
Naples (South Italy)
Cinque Terre
Lake Como
St Petersburg
South Africa
Here's to the best 2 years of my life in the rear view mirror and the next best 2 to come!
We will be un Berlin in may! Love. Maybe we can meet up?
ReplyDeleteConnect with LCMS MISSIONARY FRIENDS IN berlin, david and Lois Mahsman. Email me and I will get you connected.