Sunday, December 16, 2012

Blissfully unaware

On Friday, I went about my normal day here in the NL, finishing what has been my best week at work to date.  I felt great getting out and then rushing to catch a plane to Vienna out of Schiphol.  I checked cnn on the train there out of habit and saw a developing story in CT, but no further details. 

After I landed, I caught a train to my hotel and waited in line to check in.  Out of habit, I checked cnn again. What I saw punched me in the gut.  Luckily there was a chair close and I could sit down, because what I read made me literally sick to my stomach.  I'm thankful now for my few hours of being blissfully unaware. 

My facebook is kid central.  I would say that at any given point, the newest baby to pop up in my feed is no more than 1 month old.  And it's been like that for about 7 years, which means that kids of my friends number in the 100s now and are between 0-8 years old.  Most of the posts I saw said something to the effect of "hug your kids tight tonight".  If you have a single lady in your life, remember to let her hug your kids too...let her be a part of your village it takes to raise a child.  God's love and providence is most evident when community is at it's strongest.  Hug your kids tight, hug your fellow believers tight and pray that God will build stronger Christ centered communities where this kind of evil is not recognized.

Also, stop watching the news or clicking stories that glorify the killer.  Read the stories of the victims, get to know the heroes, but stay away from the killer's story.  Any added press only encourages the next deranged person to go bigger. 

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