1. "It snowed 3 inches overnight. I had to wear my Ugg boots to work."

2. "I work in a castle". Quite literally, I do.
3. "I think I'll go to Germany this weekend."
4. "Another play on the West End is doable tomorrow night."
5. "Bloody hell".
6. "I'd like some crisps with my sandwich" (British for chips, not to be confused with fries)
7. "Cheers" on every phone call. And I really mean it.
8. "It's pink jumper Friday". Apparently pink is the color to wear on Friday and a jumper=sweater.
9. "How do you use the washing machine?" or insert any other basic appliance.
10. "I think that lady just peed in the woods." Well, technically, she wasn't so much in the woods as just off the path.
11. "I'd like to go on a hike today." (WHO HAVE I BECOME???)
12. "I'm an expert at Field Hockey now."
13. "What's the best way to fit this car in that little space?" (When said car is smaller than anything I'd drive in Houston)
14. "I like driving a hybrid" - said the girl from the energy capitol of the world.
15. "I'd like some mayonnaise with my fries, please". Don't judge.
16. "I saw the game at my local"
17. "I need to get winter tires put on my car." What does that even mean?
18. "An Aggie is going to win the Heisman tomorrow" WHOOP
19. "Where is the best place to get pancakes?" and not assume the answer is IHOP.
20. "I watched football this weekend." And not mean tackle football.
More to come....still need to post on last weekend's foray into London.
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