Only a few posts yet to go....Day 3 and Day 4 were very similar so they get a combined post. It's going to be hard to come up with enough #hashtags unless I sit with a thesaurus opened to the words #beautiful, #incredible, #gorgeous.
Day 3 started with a nice long drive to Lillehammer through the mountains, lakes and rivers. At least I thought they were mountains, having only seen flat land since the trip began. I didn't know it was going to get a lot more dramatic, so I took a lot of pictures. #cameratourist The amazing thing about Lillehammer is that it's only a very tiny village, yet it hosted the 1994 Winter Olympics. Seriously, if you blink, you miss Lillehammer. I know the Norwegian government had to support the Olympics, but why did they choose Lillehammer?

#folkmuseum - The first stop was to an open air folk museum. Scandinavia is big on these museums. There were at least 3 along the way we could have seen, but this is the one on the RS route we hit. Essentially, they move historical buildings from all parts of the country and then have people in period dress doing period type activities with period type food. In my mind, it's a way to see all of the architecture of a period in the country without having to zig-zag through the country to find the older buildings. I'm not so much into the period activities, period dress or period food, but the buildings were neat.
#Norwegiangoodness - One of the benefits of a tour is private guided tours at all the sites. Both of our Norwegian guides on this day of the trip were lekker (Dutch = good). As I said, I'm not into period dress or period activities, but this guy made me want to learn more for sure. #deadpanhumor
#thatchedroof - On most of the housing structures, the roofs were thatched. #nowonderfirewasaproblem
#stavechurch - this was by far the best building in the park. They had an historical Stave church, one of 26 in the world remaining. It combines both the mythological/pagan religions with Christianity. In the early 1900s, the government decreed that every town must have a church large enough for everyone to have a seat. The unintended consequence is that most of the Stave churches which were very small were torn down. I was lucky enough to see 2 on this trip.
#saved - I love the design of this cross
#thatchedroof - looks like someone needs to mow their roof. #theregoestheneighborhood
#troll - The troll plays a huge roll in Norwegian mythology. I can't remember all of the details, but there were trolls everywhere. This one is huge at a hotel in the mountains. Trolls were also prominent in gift shops. #touristpandering
#pleasantdrive - One of the reasons I chose this tour group was because of the short amount of time on the bus (relative to other tours in the area). However, I could have spent all day on the bus driving through scenes like this.
#don'tgochasingwaterfalls - The waterfalls just came to me. They were everywhere. I'll try not to add to many pictures of them.
#raftersdream - Rivers like this ran all over the drive. I was surprised I didn't see any rafters - it must be because the water is snow melt. Probably super cold. I did see people fly fishing. The bus driver said there were fish in the waters for sure....I'm skeptical.
#movies - seriously, this is like something out of a movie.
#Stavechurchdeux - This is one of the 26 churches left and according to the guide, the most impressive. I LOVED this tour. The local guide was excellent. Norwegians have dead pan humor down to an art. He was so matter of fact and joking at the same time it was unreal. The church itself was gorgeous, the scenery was amazing and the town was so cute I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't really in a painting.
#lastsupperaltar - the incredible thing about this church is that it is still very much in use for the village. They have regular services, concerts and weddings. I've found my wedding chapel mom. Pictures might turn out dark because of all the wood, but imagine the romantic!
#reformation - so many of the old paintings prior to the reformation were whitewashed during the reformation. This is an attempt to restore them.
#pulpitcrown - imagine listening to the pastor with this perilously hanging over his head. I'm sure it's well secured.
#organ - I'm sure when this thing gets going, it would shake your guts. All wood in this building must mean that everything trembles.
#allwood - Even the chandelier is made of wood. #don'tlightthewoodencandles!
#saved - yet another cross I love
#backinthebus - then it was on to the hotel for the night.....#dramaticsceneryoverload
#countryroads - This little mountain lodge was our hotel for the night. It was rustic in every sense of the word. It was also an art gallery, containing some Munch paintings amongst other famous Norwegian artists in the main sitting area. The rooms were so small that most of the group spent the night hanging out in the fireplace area, which overlooked a gushing river and more mountains. I have never played cards in a more scenic area. This is also the night that Yahtzee began. Did you know there are American and European rules to Yahtzee? Me neither. I learned both.
#mountainlodgeriver - when I said gushing, I meant gushing. It was incredible.
#sleepingbeauty - we had a late start the next day, so this is what I slept in to. Nearly froze with the window open, but #worthit

#drama - Day 4 started off with the best landscapes of the entire trip. I am still in awe of the fact that our tour included taking a bus on these roads high up into the mountains and along the fjord. I have never been in a bus where I simultaneously thought "there is no way he makes that turn" and "he's done 30 of them like it". It was insane - apparently the Norwegians don't invest in the roads because they know that anything they put down no matter the cost will just have to be repaired in the following summer. So they do only what is necessary to get by. The tour guide and the bus driver said that some surveys put the entire country's network of roads on par or below those of Albania. Having been in Montenegro where the roads were AWFUL - I can say that these were considerably worse. The roads in Belgium are pretty bad as well, but at least they have the correct number of lanes. Most of these roads were "2 way" but I didn't see a second lane. And multiple times, the bus forced people coming from the opposite direction to back up.

#madetrip - for me, Day 4 made the entire trip worth it. I didn't think I was much of a mountain woman, but I am.
#flatlandgirl - Just gorgeous.
#cardplayingfriend - new friend S and I on the top of the world
#mother/daughter - these two made me wish my mom was with me. Next time mom!
#raisingsheep - I guess you really can raise sheep anywhere. They played havoc with the traffic.
#reflecting - these kind of scenes will get your reflecting on just about anything. Get it?
#reststopglories - we stopped a lot for photo shoots and small hikes. I hiked down on one of the stops whilst the rest of the group hiked up.
#ontheedge - my lower hike led me to the edge of a canyon. Luckily one person went with me to get some pictures
#changedmymind - how about that church mom? that would be amazing.
#lunchstop - this is the view from where I ate my brown bag lunch. The water was surprisingly warm - if there had been enough time, I wouldn't have turned down a swim.
#Norwegianoreos - half the tube was defective with the oreo symbol on the cream side. For shame.
#ferrycruise - the next stop was the ferry cruise down the fjords, which was 2.5 hours of extreme bliss. I'm not going to label all of the pictures, but suffice it to say, wow. We were extremely lucky - the day before and the day after were both grey, overcast and periods of rain. The sandwiched day was gorgeous, with temps in the low 70s, high 60s and nothing but sun. I even got a bit pinkish on the neck. The only problem is that it meant most of the pictures were backlit and I couldn't see the screen on my camera to tell if any of them were good shots while I was on the boat. I'm mostly happy with how they came out, but the in person just felt infinitely more dramatic. Again, the bus went on the ferry, so that gives you an idea on how big the ferry was.
#missedthedolphins - there were porpoises playing alongside the boat at several points, but I couldn't get pictures of them. Seriously, bliss. Mountains, waterfalls, dolphins - it doesn't get much better than this.
#fountainofyouth - The last stop of the day was at the local legendary fountain of youth. (AKA tourist trap). But the waterfall was dramatic and it was fun to climb around on. I got some water directly from it to erase some years. The bus driver said it made me look 15 years younger. #someonewantsagoodevaluation #cardplayingfriends