Saturday, August 17, 2013


After Aeroskobing, it was back on the ferry and off to Copenhagen to catch an overnight ferry to Oslo.  Hashtags and pictures:
#NationalMuseum -We had all of 2.5 hours to kill in Copenhagen before heading to the ferry, so because it was close, A & S and I went to the National Museum to walk through the late Denmark history section. It was interesting, particularly the 1800s - 2000s.  There was a lot more in the museum, including a special Viking exhibit, but we couldn't get tickets to it that met the right timing.  So after that, we wandered around shopping.  I also found a new souvenir to get that I'm excited about - I've started getting nice leatherish (or pleather) bound books of famous works from a country I'm in.  I got an English translation of HCA's fairytales that's just gorgeous.  Excited for the new bookshelf to display these items and really excited to go back to the UK to add all the books I love. 


#copenhagenlove - I loved Copenhagen.  Such a great city.  It was packed, but worth it.  The architecture, bikes and atmosphere were a nice break from the slow pace of Stockholm and Aero.  Sometimes you just want to move quickly.  I can't choose a favorite Euro city because I really and truly love most of them equally.  Gun to the head, Copenhagen's not my favorite, but it's pretty high on the list.
 #deepinthesea - After the 2.5 hour city jog, it was back on the bus for a quick visit to the Little Mermaid.  A funny story (unrelated to this trip) about her....

I've never seen the musical, but apparently it has been or was playing in Utrecht here in the Netherlands for a long run.  It's playing in Dutch of course, which means that all of the words are a bit different.  Instead of "Under the Sea", the words are changed to "Deep in the Sea".  A co-worker sings this constantly at work and it cracks me up that I actually saw the real little mermaid from HCA in Copenhagen, even though Little Mermaid is probably close to my least favorite of all the Disney films. 

In real life, the Little Mermaid statue is underwhelming.  I guess that's why she's called the Little Mermaid and not the Large Mermaid.  It's a very small statue just off the canal in the water.  She has a rough life - there are thousands of tourists standing around trying to get a picture and about every 20 minutes, another canal boat cruise comes by to take a picture of her backside.  The front isn't much better.  She's also dressed up a lot in protest of different things, which sometimes makes her a bit of a laughingstock.  Rough life really.

#nervousnelly - After the Little Mermaid, it was on to the overnight ferry, which was really just a smaller cruise ship that the bus could drive on.  The rooms were inside cabins with no windows and I could literally touch both sides of the cabin if I stood in the middle.  So small.  This was the part of the trip that made me the most nervous.  Boats and I do not get along - ever.  #whalewatchingdisaster #deepseafishingupchuck

So needless to say, after 2 separate trips confirming my extreme sea sickness (6+ hours of removing my insides into the sea), I was not hopeful that this would go well.  Dramamine does not work for me - it makes me super sleepy and I am still pukey.   So I thought I'd rather be just pukey and go cold turkey without the pill. 

The ship ended up being fine whilst in the narrow straits headed up out of Copenhagen and into Oslo - the only part that was super rocky was the open sea in between, which was only a few hours between 1-6AM.  We played cards until about 1AM and then I attempted to go to sleep, only to find that I was fully anticipating rolling out of bed for that period of time.  Sleep didn't happen, but I also was not pukey!  So overall, I will call it a success.  I don't think I'll be signing up for a long term cruise soon, but I am not completely turned off by it.  I did feel like I was on a boat for the rest of the next day, but that gradually got better.

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